Monday, March 31, 2008

My Inspiration

I am inspired by this chocolate covered ball of fur- Mylo is her name, although she has about a hundred nick names... She is our vibrant ray of sunshine in this otherwise cloudy city called Seattle. She just got spayed over the weekend- and they told us not to exercise her or take her to the dog park... uh oh! This is gonna be difficult. she has already chewed ALL 3 of my work shoes-- now I am down to NONE... Haviannas and Ugg boots are my 2 choices now..neither seem appropriate for work.

I have decided that I have something important to say at least every day... even if its just posting a picture..with a comment. I think this will help me track my purpose and passion and also have a little fun sharing my thoughts and pictures with anyone who cares to be included. Feel free to post a comment! I would love to hear from you!


1 comment:

Cardus said...

Mylo is very cute. How old is she?..

About your shoes..I thiNk toYs shoulD be a gooD substitute for your shoes..Although it takes time before she could really enjoy it..^^